A cheeky glimpse behind the scene of new release My Dog Bruiser Swallowed a Scooter

June 18th, 2024

Karen McKinley, Author – My Dog Bruiser Swallowed a Scooter

 Tell us about yourself – where did you grow up?

I was born in Sandringham, Melbourne, moved to Sydney when I was eight and was then dragged kicking and screaming to the Gold Coast as a teenager. (I love it here now of course)!

A career in journalism was always on my radar (acting was a close second). I started my career at the Gold Coast Bulletin newspaper and then worked in PR and back in media freelancing for Nine Gold Coast News.

Describe your writing style in one sentence? 

Sing-song rhymes, that weave (hopefully smoothly!) through a narrative.

Tell us about your book?

My Dog Bruiser Swallowed A Scooter, is an outlandish tale about a cheeky dog who gets into mischief at Granddad’s farm. It’s also about friendship and showcases no matter how disastrous a situation can be, good friends are always on hand to help.

Who has influenced you the most in your writing?

Almost all old school nursery rhymes. I was either read to or read to my own children and of course the fabulously, imaginative Dr Suess.

If you could take one book away with you to a desert island which book would it be?

The Happiest man on Earth by Eddie Jaku. A deserted island would be very lonely for someone like me, but the story of man’s determination not to be defined by the past and smile everyday would be very motivational and help keep things in perspective. And I really loved the book.

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers? 

Find your lane and grab a pen and start writing. I started with a story about a Monster called Fergus and ended up writing about a dog called Bruiser!

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