Author and illustrator, Alan Robinson, on the inspiration for his 'Grandpa's Farm' book series

June 24th, 2021

By Alan Robinson

The Grandpa’s Farm series germinated while my wife, Sharyn, and I drove through New Zealand’s south island in the spring in 2009. We saw paddocks dotted with ewes and new born lambs. I was raised on a farm near Young in southwest NSW and worked the farm with my father for six years after leaving school. Those memories came flooding back and the story wrote itself in my head as a drove. 

Our three sons, although living Sydney, loved school holidays at “Springview” with Grandpa, Grandma and Uncle Peter. I decided to identify the key activities that would engage a small boy for one day on a farm in spring.  The boy in the stories is a combination of our three sons though he is named Matt, our eldest. 

Returning to Sydney I shared what I had with New Frontier, with whom I had had recent contact. The project began but with the suggestion we add another season. As a result “Grandpa’s Farm – A Spring Day” and “Grandpa’s Farm – A Summer’s Day” were published in 2009.

It’s taken 10 years and lots of encouragement from Sharyn, family, friends and readers of the first two books to produce “Autumn” and “Winter.” My retirement has provided the time and space to complete the series. They are due out late 2020, early 2021. The set of the four seasons will be complete at last. 

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Comments (1)

Kaye Ronalds - May 18th, 2022 11:46am
Congratulations Alan on completing the series of these beautiful children’s books set on Grandpa’s farm. I bought the two early ones so now I can get the whole set. Such a beautiful gift you have to write and illustrate. Using God’s gifts has become a blessing to all of our family.


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