Guest posts

In Defense of Happy Endings - How Jo Watson Came to Write 'Larry Leadbeater'
Author and illustrator, Jo Watson writes about how her passion for the endangered fairy possum, Victoria's faunal emblem, inspired her to write 'Larry Leadbeater: Field Notes From a Fairy Possum'.October 14th, 2020READ MORE
Gaille Walton's passion for Australian birdlife inspired her debut picture book, 'Hootity-Hoot'
Gaille Walton's life-long love for Australian birds and wildlife inspired the subject of her debut picture book, which she hopes will inspire her young readers to appreciate Australia's unique fauna.October 11th, 2020READ MORE
Author Toni Brisland Shares About What Inspires Her Writing
Toni Brisland's new non-fiction book for junior and middle readers celebrates the life and work of Patrick White. In this guest post, Toni discusses her writing inspiration.September 21st, 2020READ MORE
Barbara Murray on How to Promote Your Child's Literacy Skills Through Sound Stories
Barbara Murray taught in primary schools for over 20 years and developed a passion for teaching children to read and write using phonics. She developed her own method of teaching that has had great success, and has released her series, Sound Stories, so that parents can promote reading and writing skills at home.June 25th, 2020READ MORE
Featured Author: Sarah Brazier
Sarah Brazier’s new book, Use Your Noodle teaches children to slow down and regulate their emotions before they make decisions. We had the privilege of speaking with Sarah about the inspiration for her book and how she hopes it will inspire her readers.April 27th, 2020READ MORETOPICS
EducationIllustrator SpotlightThe Indie Author seriesAuthor PostSTEMGuest postsDivorceAuthor Q&AInterviews
A cheeky glimpse behind the scene of new release My Dog Bruiser Swallowed a ScooterJune 18th, 20242
Dr Nickers talks to Little Steps Australia about capturing the day-to-day magic in everyday lifeMarch 11th, 20243
Paul de Guingand sits down with Little StepsMarch 4th, 20244
Step into the Secret Doorway with Author Catherine SheridanMarch 4th, 20245
"Take your time to walk, observe, ponder and wonder" - meet Lee FullARTon and her latest creationJune 13th, 20231
Creating your indie-author brand. The online edition!April 30th, 20192
The Indie Author’s Self-Publishing ChecklistMarch 1st, 20183
Introducing Lauren Thompson's There's A Bully in my BrainFebruary 24th, 20234
Guest Post - ‘Children and Anxiety’ by Karen Young, Author of ‘Hey Warrior’May 22nd, 20185
5 tips to become an author-illustrator power coupleAugust 6th, 2019