Sharon's Author Journey

May 17th, 2019

How Sharon Turton transform her own parenting journey into a resource for others

Little Steps’ author, Sharon Turton discusses her commitment to supporting parents in their journey to deepen their relationships with their children. Her second book, ‘The Art of Taming Tantrums’ is a follow-up to ‘The Art of Peaceful Parenting’, and looks the many ways the parent/child bond can be strengthened.

Hi Sharon, your latest book ‘The Art of Taming Tantrums’ tackles the intricacies of the parent-child bond. What inspired you to focus your attention on parenting? 

I never intended to write parenting books, but being a parent had such a profound impact on me and I wanted to be the very best parent I could be for my daughter. 

All my noble intentions fell apart however when my marriage disintegrated and I found myself as a struggling single mum, distraught, depressed and feeling like a total failure as a parent. 

I bought every book I could find on parenting back in the 90’s but the books were so philosophical, intellectual and wordy that my over-exhausted, single mother mind just couldn’t get around the concepts or teachings, even though I sensed they were probably really valid. 

Wow, so you’ve written this based on your own parenting experiences. How did writing these books impact your life? 

It all changed for me when I started to do some work on myself and release the fears, anger and unhealthy beliefs that I was holding onto, not just from my marriage breakdown, but also from common childhood issues that were still having a negative effect on me.  

I learnt and developed simple tools that had a profound impact on my daughter Joelle, and on my connection with her. As I became happier in myself I was more available to connect with my beautiful girl. I had more time to hear her, acknowledge her and ‘be’ with her the way she really needed. She thrived! 

Great! And how does ‘The Art of Taming Tantrums’ follow on from your first book? 

I wrote my first parenting book ‘The Art of Peaceful Parenting’ in 2016, with seven simple steps, guiding you from an unhealthy triggered reaction to a loving, empathic response with your kids. My recent book, ‘The Art of Taming Tantrums’, explores not just the tantrum but the underbelly of the tantrum that drives the behaviour, guiding you to be the parent you really want to be. 

Sharon works with parents and kids to bring out the best in communication, connection and caring, even with tricky behaviours and special needs. As a leader in the field, she has been helping families for over 20 years as a clinical counsellor and journey therapist and has given talks and workshops around Australasia, supporting emotional intelligence and resilience. Her passion is to guide parents to a loving bond with their kids through  effective and empathetic parenting practices.

Sharon is the author of 3 parenting books:
The Art of Peaceful Parenting
The Art of Taming TantrumsConnecting Kids – with their Inner Potential

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