Guardian Angel: A Story That Guides and Enlightens

Author : Peter WhitfieldAge : 13 yearsNathan, the hero of the story, is faced with making life-determining choices in a world full of challenges and opportunities. He starts his journey free and unburdened, but it is not long before he is plunged into the depths of temptation. He must make the right decisions or risk forever losing his beloved companion. There is not much time, as all this has to happen before his first birthday.Release date : 1st February 2009
PaperbackISBN : 978-1-921042-73-7$14.95ADD TO BASKET
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About the Author

Author : Peter WhitfieldPeter has been lecturing introductory courses in Philosophy at the Sydney School of Philosophy for the last ten years. In addition to the successful Zen Tails series he is the author of Life Is, the journey to enlightenment of a two year old. His greatest claim to teach with any authority is that nothing he presents has any originality. Much is tak...READ MORE ABOUT THIS AUTHOR

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