Dad's Wishing the Rain would Come!
Author : Martine MillerIllustrator : Fiona LevingsAge : 3 - 8 yearsDad's wishing for rain,Mum's wishing for rain,
I'm wishing for rain.
Will the rain ever come?Release date : 1st July 2019
About the Author and Illustrator
Author : Martine MillerMartine Miller is farm girl by day, karate ninja by night, and a children’s book author all the way. She grew up in far north Queensland and now resides on a farm in rural New South Wales. Her passion for quality children’s literature leads to sharing her amazing collection with childre...READ MORE ABOUT THIS AUTHOR
Illustrator : Fiona LevingsFiona Levings is a Tasmanian-based mother, geologist, duck-wrangling, chicken-chasing, dog-walker who also writes and illustrates children’s picture books. Occasionally, she gets left alone for long enough to sneak off to her studio and work on a picture or two. Fiona works by hand using ink, ...READ MORE ABOUT THIS ILLUSTRATOR
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