Author : Lauren LoftusIllustrator : Lauren GeroAge : 3 - 6 years“We gathered up our gentle strength for the time we stayed inside.”A letter of love and hope for our children who carry the story of when the world
turned inside out.Release date : 1st January 2024
About the Author and Illustrator
Author : Lauren LoftusLauren Loftus is an author based on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Lauren’s love of story telling was nurtured by her parents reading to her and her twin sister every night. She hopes every child will know the magic of stories. When Lauren is not writing she is on adventures with her partner...READ MORE ABOUT THIS AUTHOR
Illustrator : Lauren GeroLauren works and creates on the traditional land of the Gundungurra and Darug people in the Blue Mountains, NSW. Her work ranges from delicate watercolour to vibrant collage illustrations, the common theme throughout it all is a deep respect and love for our unique Australian wildlife and wonder for...READ MORE ABOUT THIS ILLUSTRATOR
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