Lamingtons and Dumplings
Author : Pho YannIllustrator : Annelies BilleterAge : 3 - 6 yearsConnor and Jianyu are pen pals who live in different parts of the world. They learn about each other through the incredible world of technology,social media and the internet. They take us on a culinary journey of outback life meets city life.Release date : 12th December 2024
About the Author and Illustrator
Author : Pho YannPho is a mother, educator and newly published children’s author. She passionately works in special education and developed a love of reading from a very young age. Her favourite books were The Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, followed by the Nancy Drew and The Babysitters Club seri...READ MORE ABOUT THIS AUTHOR
Illustrator : Annelies BilleterAnnelies Billeter is based in Melbourne and graduated with a Diploma of Illustration in 2002. After working in children's textile and clothing design for many years, her passion for illustrating children’s books was reignited through having her own two young children. She loves to depict peopl...READ MORE ABOUT THIS ILLUSTRATOR
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