Author : Tracey UnthankIllustrator : Tracey UnthankAge : 3 - 6 yearsA young penguin named Fluffy lives in Antarctica with his family and a large number of emperor penguins.Fluffy and his friends love to play games.
One day, while playing hide and seek, a wild storm approaches.
Fluffy gets separated from his friends and family and ends up far, far away from home.
Will Fluffy find the courage to find his way back home?
Lost is an adventurous story and is an enjoyable read that teaches young readers that children who listen to the parents may find themselves out of trouble.Release date : 17th October 2018
About the Author and Illustrator
Author and Illustrator : Tracey UnthankTracey lives in Melbourne and works part-time to concentrate on her passion of writing and art. If she is not writing or producing artwork, she loves to keep busy with sewing and spending time with her horse, Buckley. Tracey is a young woman with a very creative mind. This was evidently clear from a young age and she strives to expand her talent. In 2011, Tracey completed Diploma of Illustration. Lost is Tracey’s debut children’s book. You can reach Tracey on her website tracey-unthank.my-online.store or on Facebook: fb.me/Tracey.Unthank.Author.IllustratorREAD MORE ABOUT THIS AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR
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