The Magic Mail Fairy
Author : Sonia AudolyIllustrator : Francesca QuatraroAge : 3 - 8 yearsNina's loves to visit her aunts, because they have a very magical friend.The Magic Mail Fairy!
When Nina goes to stay with her aunts for an especially long visit, she discovers the joys of receiving and writing letters with the help of her aunts and her new magical pen pal.Release date : 1st October 2017
About the Author and Illustrator
Author : Sonia AudolySonia is a truly pure soul. She lives by her principles and tries to inspire them in others, by being a passionate mum, teacher, journalist, writer and architect, too. Of course, she cannot do all this alone, so she has a group of fairies and elves to give her support. With this book, Sonia shows th...READ MORE ABOUT THIS AUTHOR
Illustrator : Francesca QuatraroFrancesca has been illustrating for fifteen years and is passionate about hearing and telling stories. Not only stories that end up in books, but also personal stories about everyday people. It is from these stories that her ‘customised illustrations’ project was born. Francesca lives in...READ MORE ABOUT THIS ILLUSTRATOR
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