The Very Big Sum
Author : Adrian DudekIllustrator : Naya LazarevaAge : 5 - 10 yearsThis is the story of a very big sum, and how Teddy and Mabel outsmarted their mum.Teddy and Mabel have been given a challenge! Can they add up all the numbers from 1 to 100 before it gets too dark to play?Release date : 1st November 2023
About the Author and Illustrator
Author : Adrian DudekAdrian Dudek studied for his PhD in pure mathematics at the Australian National University. These days, he and his wife live in Mothar Mountain QLD with their three children, who predictably engage in all manner of mental challenges provided it removes them from doing chores.READ MORE ABOUT THIS AUTHOR
Illustrator : Naya LazarevaAs a child, Naya decided to become an illustrator of children’s books. She graduated in Book Illustration, from the Printing and Publishing department at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. She predominantly uses watercolor and pencils. Her favourite genre to illustrate is Fantasy. She a...READ MORE ABOUT THIS ILLUSTRATOR
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